Restore Your Vision & Improve Quality of Life

Discover a new and effective approach for patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa – Improves vision naturally without surgery and risk of side effects.

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Retinitis Pigmentosa Restoration Therapy, a Breakthrough in Vision Recovery Treatment

Located in Lauderhill, Florida, TCM Physicians was created to improve the eyesight of our patients. Our treatments help visually impaired people improve their ability to see the world around them.

Drawing upon the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our vision restoration program offers a holistic approach for Retinitis Pigmentosa restoration & recovery treatment. This program integrates the following elements:

  • Homeopathic eye drops and water ionization: These treatments aim to nourish the fluids within the eye.
  • Detoxifying the liver: We believe this helps reduce inflammation in the eye’s arteries by lowering metabolic waste in the blood.
  • Improving lymphatic drainage: This helps remove waste products that can contribute to inflammation.

This comprehensive and personalized approach is one of the reasons why many patients experience improvement in their vision.

Painless and Non-Invasive Treatment

Many Say Their Vision Has Improved After the First Treatment

Potential for Vision Improvement in Weeks

Hundreds of Conditions Treated Since 2003

Your Care is Led by a Licensed TCM Professional

Dr. Walter A. Campbell

DAOM, Herbalist & Alternative Eye Treatment Specialist

Dr. Walter Campbell is skilled acupuncturist and oriental herbalist who specialized in Gynecology and Oncology while studying in Hangzhou, China. Acknowledged as an accomplished researcher of oriental and homeopathic treatments, he has developed several unique products, formulations and treatments for use in his clinical practice.

His experience with integrating Western Nutritional Theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of various eye diseases has had tremendous success in the remission of visual impairments in patients diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration and Cornea Dystrophy.

Dr. Walter Campbell

Understanding Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a condition that affects the retina, the light-sensitive layer in the back of your eye. The retina has several layers, including:

  • The choroid: This layer supplies blood to the retina through special arteries with tiny holes that allow oxygen and nutrients to pass through, but not blood cells.
  • The pigment epithelium (RPE): This layer acts like a sponge, nourishing the light-sensitive cells (rods and cones) that convert light into signals your brain interprets as images.



What goes wrong in RP?

In RP, there’s an inflammatory response that disrupts the normal function between the blood supply layer and the pigment layer. This inflammation can:

  • Push the pigment layer upwards through the retina.
  • Cause the tiny holes in the arteries to become smaller or inflamed faster than usual.


Visual Symptoms caused by Retinitis Pigmentosa

Progressively worsening symptoms can include:

tunnel vision

Tunnel Vision

Restricted visual field and loss of peripheral vision

Night Blindness

Vision in dark severely impaired or even lost

light sensitivity

Increased Sensitivity To Light

Glare is a frequent problem

blurred vision

Foggy and/or Blurred Vision

Advanced RP stage limits the ability to read

Traditional Beliefs vs. Our Approach

Conventional medicine believes RP has genetic roots. We, based on experience, believe the smaller or inflamed holes in the arteries may play a role. We’ve also observed a connection between liver function and vision in RP patients. This aligns with Traditional Chinese Medicine’s concept of the liver’s role in vision.

Retinitis Pigmentosa. We can help.

Our Eye & Vision Restoration Therapy can be a valuable tool for managing Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). However, the degree of vision improvement varies depending on several factors:

  • Severity of Retinal Dystrophy: The extent of damage to the light-sensitive cells in the retina plays a crucial role.
  • Remaining Visual Area: The amount of healthy retinal tissue remaining can influence the potential for improvement.
  • Age of the Lesion: Early intervention generally leads to better outcomes.
  • Structural Complications: Existing damage within the eye can affect treatment effectiveness.

At our clinic, we carefully review your medical records to understand these factors. During your consultation, we’ll discuss the potential range of vision improvement specific to your case. 

While individual results may vary, we’ve observed positive responses to our Eye & Vision Restoration Therapy even in patients with limited vision or complications. Additionally, most treatment benefits tend to be stable, and repeat sessions can often lead to further progress.

Treatment Benefits

Considering that the severity of retinal dystrophy will affect the level of improvement in a person’s vision, we know that our treatments result in:

Vision Stabilization

Increased Field of Vision

Improved Night Vision

Decreased Light Sensitivity

What Patients Are Saying

Within a few days my vision was back to my normal and I was able to drive.

Retinitis Pigmentosa

“I have been treating with Dr. Campbell for almost 2 years now for RP. When I first visited Dr. Campbell, my had worsened to the point of unable to drive (day or night), blurred vision and unable to see distance and had darkened vision. After my first treatment, by the time I left Dr. Campbell’s office, the blurriness, darkness was gone and I was able to see far distance. Within a few days my vision was back to my normal and I was able to drive. Continuing Dr. Campbell’s herbs and eye drops I have been doing very well with maintaining my vision.

Since I was going well and able to see when I ran out of the herb and eye drops I stopped talking them. Unfortunately, that was the worst thing I could have done. Unfortunately, my vision greatly decreased. I had lost my central vision, my vision was hazy and gray. I wasn’t able to see any writing on a piece of paper and my colors were off. I contacted Dr Campbell for another treatment Immediately I saw results I was able to see without a haze over my vision, I could see faces clearly. In a month or so my central vision came back! I’m able to see the digital clock on my stove again!!

I learned my lesson, keep up with my daily regimen of herbs and eye drops if I was to keep my vision. I am very grateful and thankful that I found Dr. Campbell who actually treats RP and doesn’t shut the door on you saying “Sorry, there is no treatment for this disease”. Dr. Campbell is proof that there is treatment, and I know first hand it works!

Dr, Campbell is a true Blessing!”

Tina Hudges

After the first session, I was able to see the colors red, pink, orange, white and black.

Retinitis Pigmentosa

“I am a 56-year-old woman with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). I have been advised that RP is a degenerative retinal disease, and that a person who has RP will eventually lose all vision and go blind.

At the age of 18, I had a retinal detachment in the left eye. After surgery in that eye, my vision never returned. I have only light perception in the left eye. My vision in the right eye was stable throughout the years until the age of 43. My peripheral vision was slowly degrading and all color vision was gone. I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and have seen only black and white for the past 13 years.

Dr. Campbell began treating me on December 9, 2015. After the first session, I was able to see the colors red, pink, orange, white and black. I was so excited and amazed. Also, I saw most of the letters, numbers and color symbols on a deck of playing cards.

On the second day of treatment I slowly noticed the creamy yellow tone of the exam room wall. The colors seemed to slowly come through. I started seeing violet, dark blue and even shiny silver.

When I returned home, I decided to test my color vision. I saw the green, orange, red and even gold with silver sparkles on the Christmas balls. Also, when I looked at the sky I asked my husband if it was a grey blue. He confirmed it. From my apartment balcony I noticed the boats docked in the marina. They were very blurry, but I could make out the direction they were facing. At night, I saw part of the bridge, lights and quick flashes of cars crossing.

I expect to continue treatment with Dr. Campbell and eventually hope to have functional and maybe independent mobility.”

Rosa M. Sanchez

Dr. Walter Campbell’s


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