Lauderhill Vision Restoration

Unlocking Clarity Through Holistic Restoration Methods.

Our team of dedicated professionals specializes in personalized eye vision restoration, merging cutting-edge techniques with holistic approaches tailored to your individual needs. 

Rediscover Clear Vision with Our Specialized Eye Care

Do you suffer from one of the following eye disorders?

Explore our advanced treatments designed to address a range of vision disorders. Connect with us today to embark on a personalized journey toward restored and revitalized vision.

macular degeneration

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive eye condition that can deteriorate with time, emerging as a primary cause of profound and irreversible vision loss in individuals aged 60 and above. The degeneration specifically affects the macula, the central portion of the retina responsible for light sensing. As this condition primarily develops with aging, it is commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration. While it typically does not lead to total blindness, it can result in significant vision impairment.

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) encompasses a group of eye diseases that may result in sight loss. The common thread among them lies in distinct alterations observed by your doctor during retinal examinations. In the case of Retinitis Pigmentosa, the photoreceptor cells in the retina malfunction, leading to a gradual loss of vision over time.

retinitis pigmentosa
corneal dystrophy

Corneal Dystrophy

Corneal dystrophies constitute a set of uncommon genetic eye disorders characterized by the accumulation of abnormal material within the cornea. Typically affecting both eyes and demonstrating a gradual progression, these conditions often have a familial connection. The underlying cause is the accumulation of foreign material within one or more of the cornea’s five layers, potentially compromising its transparency. This accumulation may lead to vision loss or blurred vision.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy develops when diabetes impacts the blood vessels and nerve tissue within the retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of the inner eye. This condition is triggered by alterations in the retinal blood vessels. In certain cases, there may be swelling and fluid leakage from the blood vessels, while in others, abnormal new blood vessels may emerge on the retina’s surface. These changes have the potential to lead to significant vision loss.

diabetic retinopathy


Glaucoma, a persistent and advancing eye ailment, results from optic nerve damage, contributing to the loss of the visual field. Elevated eye pressure is a significant risk factor, and an irregularity in the eye’s drainage system can lead to fluid accumulation, causing heightened pressure and subsequent harm to the optic nerve. The optic nerve, essential for connecting the retina to the brain, experiences damage, resulting in gradual eyesight loss.

Holistic Therapies for Eye Health and Restoration

With a commitment to excellence, our board-certified experts bring together the finest elements of modern and traditional eye care to formulate comprehensive treatment plans. Your journey to restored vision is guided by our expertise, ensuring a harmonious integration of Western and Eastern approaches for optimal results.


Water Ionizing Treatment

Using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), we assess the health of your eyes and track the effectiveness of our treatment approach. Our innovative, non-invasive protocol begins with a series of Water Ionizing sessions, introducing electron-charged water molecules (utilizing patented technology) into the eyes. This process serves as an antioxidant, neutralizing toxicity. By rejuvenating cells, it nurtures the eyes and contributes to restoring vision for the patient.

Colonic Hydrotherapy

For millennia, Colonic Hydrotherapy has been a widely embraced practice, maintaining popularity in clinics worldwide. This completely natural and proven safe treatment contributes to a myriad of health benefits and plays a crucial role in our holistic eye restoration protocol. The accumulation of toxic waste in our bodies over time, driven by our lifestyles and dietary choices, can lead to various health problems. Colonic Hydrotherapy serves as a vital tool in purifying the colon, eliminating potential causes of health conditions.

Acupuncture Therapy

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is said that the spirit “shows in the eyes and is housed in the heart.” The Liver meridian is often implicated in eye disease as the liver opens to the eyes and is the primary energy flow meridian responsible for supporting healthy vision. In addition to severe or chronic eye conditions, acupuncture with Dr campbell helps to boost overall visual acuity, reduce sensitivity to light, reduce or eliminate eye floaters, blurred vision, and dry eyes, decrease excessive tearing, and heal reddened, swollen, and/or painful eyes.

TCM & Nutraceuticals

At TCM Physicians proper nutraceutical supplementation has proven to maintain and restore vision in our patients. The nucleus of our nutraceutical protocol resides in nourishing the pigmented layer of the retina.

The pigmented layer is key to the health of the eye, consequently causing dysfunction of the eye if not properly nourished. Patients are administered natural supplements to aid with the nourishing and restoration process of eye.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Our hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to treat vision disorders or blindness caused by a blocked artery in the eye. During these treatments, you breathe pressurized oxygen while you lie inside a clear plastic tube. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen reaching your retina and can make the arteries in your retina wider. It can keep your retina healthy and help restore your eyesight after an artery is blocked. The extra oxygen boost aids in helping to restore a patient’s vision. Each treatment can take up to 2 hours.


Dr Campbell’s proprietary homeopathic eye drops rectify and enhance the energy of the fluid dynamics in the eyes, by helping cells within the eye eliminate metabolic waste.

The homeopathic drops increase the circulation of the blood through the venous system, thus moving the blood and enhancing nourishment of the eyes. This enhances the muscle function that surround the lens of the eye and helps reduce inflammation and trauma in the eye.

TCM Hydration Therapy

“In my experience, most if not all patients with eye disease have what we call a liver chi stagnation. This refers to the ability of the liver to filter the metabolic waste (drugs, toxins, glyphosate, chemicals) at a normal rate. The increase of glyphosate increases bile stasis and slows the production of bile as well as the ability of the liver to filter the blood. According to naturopathic medicine, due to the inability of the liver to filter out on the first pass, the metabolic waste ends up in the rest of the body. The brain is especially sensitive to the increase of metabolic waste leading to depression, sleep disorders, mental agility and vision problems etc. In my clinical experience our Polarized Water Infusion protocol, along with detoxifying the liver, will significantly improve your vision. Our Water Ionization treatment will help neutralize and clean the fluids in the eye, and ultimately nourishing the eye while restoring your vision”

Dr. Walter Campbell’s


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Who we are…

Welcome to TCM Physicians! Dr Walter Campbell is a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an acupuncturist, a herbalist and an innovator of homeopathic treatment protocols that specialize in vision restoration therapies.

Through his extensive experience in treating serious eye diseases by way of a holistic protocol, using revolutionary patented Polarized Water Infusion treatments, he has helped restore the vision of hundreds of patients seeking specialized treatment for their medical condition.

What we do…

Simply put, we treat patients with severe to mild eye diseases and disorders with our innovative and non-invasive Polarized Water Infusion therapy.

Our vision restoration therapy helps to restore vision in patients with severe to mild eye conditions including Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Cornea Dystrophy, Dry Eyes and Blurred Vision.

The holistic approach in our vision restoration protocol has helped hundreds of patients successfully restore their vision and bring optimism back into their lives.

How we do it…

Through our Polarized Water Infusion treatments we infuse an extra electron charge into water molecules. This delivers a free electron to the mitochondria. The boost of “free” energy to your cells promotes repair and increases functionality.

The process acts like an antioxidant to neutralize toxicity and promote the transportation of nourishment to the eye. The therapy “charges” the tissues and interstitial fluids of the eye, thus optimizing their cellular functions and regeneration leading to improved vision.

Dr Walter Campbell

DAOM, Herbalist & Alternative Eye Treatment Specialist

Dr. Walter Campbell is skilled acupuncturist and oriental herbalist who specialized in Gynecology and Oncology while studying in Hangzhou, China. Acknowledged as an accomplished researcher of oriental and homeopathic treatments, he has developed several unique products, formulations and treatments for use in his clinical practice. He attained his Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) at Five Branches the University of Oriental Medicine, San Jose, California. His experience with integrating Western Nutritional Theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of various eye diseases has had tremendous success in the remission of visual impairments in patients diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration and Cornea Dystrophy.

Vision Restoration Nutrition Guide

Diet is often one of the most overlooked aspects in preventing disease, and especially in any recovery or rehabilitation process. A poor diet provides inadequate nutrition for our bodies to function optimally and fight off disease. Inflammation also plays a major role in what a person consumes on a daily basis. We strongly encourage our patients to follow our EYELOVE Nutrition Guide recommendations to assist with their vision restoration healing process. We promote the consumption of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, organic juices, nuts, wild fish and our polarized water products Watt-ahh®.

Patient Testimonials

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Corneal Dystrophy

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration

Schedule a Consultation

Embark on your journey to holistic wellness with TCM Physicians. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Campbell and experience the transformative power of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Schedule a personalized consultation today and discover holistic approaches for eye health and restoration. Take the first step towards revitalized vision and well-being.


At TCM Physicians, we are committed to empowering you on your path to health and vitality. Our mission is to restore balance, inspire well-being, and provide the tools for a healthier, happier life.

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